Monday 2 February 2009


I decided to change the blog name and give us all garden names.
I will be going back and forth over the older posts to try and cheer it all up a bit.
I felt it was looking sad and as this was my first ever blog I wasn't really sure how to get it right.
But I have now got a little more experience with blogging and hopefully this will look more pleasing to the eye.
Sweet William,Sweet Pea ,Petite Pois x


  1. Wow, thank you, thats a wonderful compliment!

    I have toyed with the idea, If my weekly hrs could be cut down....i may well give it a whirl!

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment, I can't wait to get back to normal blogging. You don't realise how much you miss it until you can't.
    Like the new look.
    Take care.

  3. I think your blog looks lovely. I love the names...such a delightful idea. So glad Sweet William took care of that clothes line. You need some clothes line poles to keep the washing up in the air. You take care. Please do not fal any more. Stop by and see my blog. I would love that. If you scroll down I am having a free give away of two fabric blocks...Please do enter if you can find time between washing and falling LOL...only kidding.
    We all need a bit of a laugh to ease the tension of these busy days.


Welcome to our garden
Please feel free to leave a comment
We cannot guarantee it will always be sunny in our garden.
But we can guarantee a warm Irish Welcome.
Sweet William,Sweet Pea and Petite Pois x