Saturday 30 May 2009


Well what a beautiful day it was today,we worked really hard in the garden and never stopped all day until six o clock.
Sweet William carried on with the pond work and laying out where we are going to put steps up to it,
I weeded borders and cleaned guttering and brushed all the front driveway,i am so tired i will definitely sleep well tonight .
We now have to go out shopping and see what we are going to buy for to edge all round the pond and its surrounding area,we will maybe go to the garden centre tomorrow and have a look and see what they have got,and while we are there we will treat ourselves to a well deserved coffee and a big cream bun.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good!You guys have had some good weather I hear!! Enjoy the weekend,all the best,Chrissy


Welcome to our garden
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We cannot guarantee it will always be sunny in our garden.
But we can guarantee a warm Irish Welcome.
Sweet William,Sweet Pea and Petite Pois x