Saturday 6 June 2009


I wish i had never started this job i was at it from 11 am until 4pm non stop.
When i moved here everything was threw in the shed in boxes and two years later i am only sorting it out.
Although it really was too hot a day to be up and down from top of garden to bottom to bring it all in and get the stuff washed,but so glad it is all done as i found things i had been looking for for ages.
And finally you can now move in the shed ,i can now just put my hand on fish food slug pellets etc without having to climb over everything .
So i have a nice rocking chair and a big crochet blanket and shelves to put in and make it a bit girly.
Poor Sweet William it was once his potting shed but i have to have it ,he can get another one lol.


  1. now I am loving the idea of the rocking chair and big crochet blanket ... mmmm, lovely evenings spent curled up with a good book :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog recently. I have internet for a couple of days so I'm playing catch up!!!!

  2. Looking really good!!! A nice place to relax with a good mag. and a cup of tea!! Meant to ask you you go to "HEATHERLEAS"...I just love it there, the bakery and the sandwiches are soooooo good?!?! Hope you are well, Chrissy

  3. How about you?? So glad you came by, thanks for your comments on Meg, funny she has been asked to model...but she is like me and hates attention(weird I know)...I had a the idea you were like 20 or something, glad to know your "OLD" like me!! HAve a good weekend, talk soon,CHrissy

  4. Hey... just a quick hello!! Hope all is well with you, bet your glad your daughter is home for the summer...our son Jess starts his full time "mentor group leader" job tomorrow, he wants to be a police officer and has just one year left at college,man that made me feel really old!! Well, have a great week,think of me when you go to Boots(I am a "Beauty Girl") in our version of Boots here,talk soon,Chrissy

  5. FRANCE!!!!You lucky bugger you!!Have a great time, exciting!! Yes, we have a card like Boots and all the young girls spend their points on make-up,its cute though,I always try to give them something for free and it makes them soooo happy!! Well enjoy your time in France,and we will catch up when you return home to good old Bangor!! All the best,Chrissy

  6. Hey about you? How was France...hope you are enjoying your summer!!Talk soon,Chrissy

  7. Hi!! Just a quick hello,sorry your holiday was not what you had hoped for,can't believe summer is just about over!! We have family coming from Bangor next week,can hardly wait!! Hope this finds you well, keep in touch,Chrissy


Welcome to our garden
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We cannot guarantee it will always be sunny in our garden.
But we can guarantee a warm Irish Welcome.
Sweet William,Sweet Pea and Petite Pois x